Monday, June 29, 2009

Back to the grind!

For the first time in my life, I'm happy to go to work on a Monday. For the first time in three weeks, I am FINALLY free to write. I've been to three Grads, countless grad parties, BBQ's, and been busy registering for University. I've been going crazy these past weeks, not getting any work done and worrying about my new looming deadline. I felt guilty enough extending my deadline the first time, but will I have to do it again? I sure hope not.
To be perfectly honest, I don't think this book will make it to 100 000 words. Right now, it's at about 50 000 and I'm almost wrapping it up. I still have the final climax to do, but after that, I have a few simple things to resolve and then I'm done my second draft.
...did I use the right word there? Climax? :S not sure, but it sounds naughty.
Back to work!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Busy, busy, busy, and an extended deadline...

These past two weeks have been so crazy for me, I haven't had time to sit down and write, so unfortunately, I'm forced to extend my deadline... I'm not very happy about that, but that's life for you. I'm going to try and write today, but things at work are getting busier, my love is graduating this Friday, there's a grad BBQ on Saturday and Father's Day on Sunday... jeez. Oh, and registration for my classes in university is on the 22nd. So is my friend's grad. Then I have to go to ANOTHER grad on the 26th! I think after these next two weeks, I'll have been to enough grads to have my fill for a lifetime...
As for my word count, I've realized that doing too much can burn you out. I know some people can do 2000 words a day, no problem, but it's not for me... I felt so pressured, like if I didn't reach that word count, I would fail! So I think I'll shoot for 1000 a day until this book is finished. I'm still not really sure how I'm going to finish it... with a death, perhaps?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

When Life gets in the way

Unfortunately my word count has been neglected these past two days... I've been picking classes for university for myself and today I have to make up my sister's timetable too, so I doubt I'll get much done today either. I'm worried I won't get much writing done in the fall, when I'll be struggling through hours of coursework. I'm freaking out, actually... I wasn't good at doing homework in high school, how will I do in university?!
This is every writer's struggle, though, isn't it? Everyone must find the time, or make the time so we can write that book, that short story or that magazine article.

We'll find out how I'll do...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

How I waste my weekends...

Like the good procrastinator I am, I find a hundred other things to do before I sit down to write. I watch t.v. and attempt to work out and sometimes I even manage to clean my room and do my laundry. Usually I'm only home on Saturdays, so everything that needs to be done has to be done in one day. The last thing I can get to is my writing! In fact, I'm least productive on weekends. I figure, since I can write at work, why should I write on the weekend? But as this deadline looms, I realize that I can't put my book on the back burner, I should be writing every day, trying to meet my daily word count.
I'm happy to report that I've reached 40 000 words today :) and I'm shooting to write 3000 words rather than 2000. I've been falling behind and I need to catch up!

How do you waste your weekends?

Friday, June 5, 2009

The things I have to do before I can sit down to write...

As I've mentioned in the 'About Me' section, I tend to do most of my writing at work. Before I can even start, there's a bunch of stuff that I try to do so I can spend my time writing. Unfortunately, by the time I'm finished, I'm tired of looking at a computer screen and I'm, well... tired. I do a lot of data entry at my job, and though I have come to despise spreadsheets, it has to get done. I'm putting off all that work right now... which I know I shouldn't because my writing takes a hit. After doing all these spreadsheets, I find I'm less likely to have a productive writing day than when I don't do them. So should I write first and do my work later? I'm not to sure of this because I don't think my work would get done...
I'm seriously considering extending my deadline... lately reaching that daily word count goal is getting harder and harder, especially since I believe I'm nearing the end of the book and am trying to wrap it up nicely, I find problems that sometimes takes hours of thinking (just thinking, no writing) to fix! I think I'll do what I can until the due date but I'm doubting myself a bit here...
Till tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Writer should love to read...

I just thought I would show you one of my three very full bookshelves.... My room is very small so I think it's a great feat that I was able fit so many books into one tiny room.
As for writing today... it's not going so well. I'm just not really in the mood. I know what needs to be written but that spark of creativity remains elusive so far. Maybe I'll have more luck after lunch when I've been fed...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Worries of a Writer

I don't know about other writers, but I always worry about my work being mediocre. When I write a scene, I think, 'Is this exciting enough? Will this bore my readers? Is it good enough?' And sometimes, because of my insecurities, I end up scrapping whole projects because I don't think that its good enough (which sometimes is a heartbreaking process because I can really fall in love with an idea). I can't even tell you how many times I've written the book I'm working on now, or the many, many different ways it was written. I don't think any one would even recognize it...
So do I worry about my current project not being good enough? Every day. But as I go back and read previous chapters, I realize that it's funny and romantic, and I'm sure lots of people would read it...
I can't wait to see the finished project! :)

Monday, June 1, 2009

A great idea...

I'm on chapter 13 and approximately half way through my book when an idea struck me. Why not have little scenes or chapters showing my anti-hero's thoughts? It would help clarify to my readers why she acts the way she does, and add a little more meat to my story. What do you think?